Driving positive change is no mean feat.

First you need an effective, new way of doing things. 

Then you need a compelling reason to do so.  

And, most importantly of all, you need support and encouragement from experts that can help make it happen.  

So, it is with the ever-growing adoption of unified communications. 

The pandemic has played a significant role, but UC was on the (albeit slow) rise way before that changed everything. 

Businesses and organisations of all sizes have been on a journey to the cloud for some time; even if many have only recently realised it. 

The explosion over the past two years of cloud-powered communication, collaboration and automation tools is now helping the world adapt to a new and permanent way of working – and it is the channel that should take much of the credit. 

Resellers, System Integrators and Managed Service Providers are the expert, guiding hands: taking the tech and helping their end user customers deploy and leverage its transformational potential. 

Get the solution, the service, and the profit margins right, and both parties benefit big. 

And that means, for those resellers and MSPs, choosing the right vendor partner is as important as it gets.      

“The best channel partnerships are no longer simply transactional, they are truly collaborative relationships which have the best interests of everyone simultaneously at heart – vendor, reseller AND end user,” says Debra Perry, Vice President of Alliances at global UC automation expert Kurmi Software, which is dedicated to the provisioning and administration of enterprise unified communications and collaboration tools. 

“Good partners are forward-thinking, open to change and understand the value of their relationship. They embrace co-partnering and co-branding and understand the challenges and needs of the customer. 

“As technological complexity and integration intensifies, it’s important for vendors, resellers and end users to be closer to each other than ever. If there is separation or silo, we are not sufficiently supportive of each other and we are not as efficient as we could be. 

“Creativity, proactivity, flexibility, trust – these are the components of today’s modern, successful channel partnerships. Wherever they are nurtured and allowed to flourish, there will be success for all” 

For resellers and MSPs prepared to adapt, the opportunities are huge. 

Recent research suggests that the global UC market will be worth an estimated $344bn by 2028. 

The mutuality upon which the channel model is built – where the success of one party in the supply chain benefits all – is set to fuel continuing growth for those best-placed to capitalize. 

“Among other things, that growth will be fuelled by the continuing move from hardware to software,” says Sylvain Mogade, Kurmi Partnerships Manager. 

“End user organisations used to require big investment to digitally transform. Now, thanks to cloud adoption, vendors are able to bring forward game-changing software solutions that can be deployed by VARs and MSPs quickly, easily and efficiently. 

“It’s like there is now: hardware, software and middleware; the VAR and MSP are the middleware. 

“They know their customers and they can take a holistic view on what the best transformational roadmap looks like for them. Vendors tend not to have that end user closeness, which is why channel partnerships can be so productive. 

“We provide the platform, but our partner must provide the implementation, training and services in order for the end users’ processes to be optimized. When that whole end-to-end process is connected by a mutual desire for the best possible outcome for all, that is a truly brilliant partnership.” 

At the same time, increasing technological complexity is delivering bigger and bigger gains for corporations. 

Whether its time savings, costs savings, enhanced service, or better customer experience, cloud-powered unified communications technology is becoming an easier and easier sell for VARs and MSPs. 

Backed by the expertise, scale and dependability of the right vendor partner, there may be no limit to what the future holds. 

To learn more about how partnering with Kurmi can help you AND your customers’ businesses grow, visit https://partners.kurmi-software.com 


from UC Today https://ift.tt/HQ1mIl0