RingCentral has announced a host of new features and updates for RingCentral Rooms to improve the experience for hybrid workers.

The updates are designed to make hybrid meetings more accessible for those both attending in person and remotely.

Jeff Boggess, Senior Product Marketing Manager at RingCentral, says that Rooms is focusing on making hybrid working as smooth as possible.

He said: “Hybrid work is changing many workers’ lives for the better by allowing employees more control and flexibility in how they do their jobs.

“With some people working in the office, and some from home or other locations, gone are the days where meetings meant literally sitting down at the same table.

“RingCentral Rooms is tailor-made for just these scenarios, providing a seamless, integrated meeting experience that’s simple to install and use in conference rooms of any size—and that offers a great experience whether you’re in-person or remote.”

In June, RingCentral partnered with Avocor to bring RingCentral Rooms for Touch to the market, with a new series of Avocor Collab Touch displays set to be released with the software built-in.

Filmstrip View, Chat View, and Closed Captions During Meetings

The new filmstrip view allows meeting attendees to appear at the bottom or top of the screen.

It means that remote participants will be able to see and hear everyone in the meeting to make video meetings a more engaging experience.

In addition to the filmstrip view, in-room meeting participants can now view the virtual chat conversation in Rooms where questions, comments, shared links, and more.

Closed captioning now means that users can turn on on-screen captions to make meetings more accessible for those who may be hearing impaired, need extra language assistance or want to read what is being said in real-time.

End-To-End Encryption

Video meetings on RingCentral Rooms are designed to ensure data is encrypted between endpoints.

It means that no one other than the meeting participants will have access to the information that is shared.

Jeff Boggess commented: “More hybrid meetings mean more scenarios where important and often confidential information is being discussed virtually—and that means security must be an important consideration in how these meetings are executed.

“That’s why we’re thrilled to provide RingCentral Rooms users with the gold standard for video meeting privacy.”

RingCentral Rooms now supports dynamic end-to-end encryptions to allow users to turn on or off the enhanced protection at any point during a video meeting.

Share a Room Camera

Much like sharing a screen, participants can now point a camera at something and make it the focus of the meeting in full-screen mode.

RingCentral says that it will allow remote Rooms users to see things such as a whiteboard in a meeting room easier than before.

The new feature will be available during an open beta at the end of July.

Mobile App and HDMI Sharing

RingCentral Rooms now has a feature allowing participants to share work directly from their mobile phone.

Using the RoomCentral mobile app, users can enable proximity sharing to allow them to mirror their phone to the meeting room.

The new HDMI share feature aims to make sharing presentations or other content with meeting participants much easier.

All Rooms users have to do is plug the RingCentral Rooms HDMI into their laptop, and the screen will instantly be shared with the meeting.

Easier To Set Up a Rooms Meeting

RingCentral says that they have made setting up Rooms meetings easier than before.

Previously, a user with admin credentials would have to register every new conference room with a Rooms licence.

Now admins can provide an activation code for each meeting and turn on Rooms remotely.



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