How Video Will Transform Business Outcomes

Video is not for every application in every vertical – but boy when the setting is right, it really does enhance. 

That face-to-face experience adds a vital dimension to an interaction that might otherwise lack depth, detail or intimacy. 

It enables us to connect more effectively; look each other in the eye; lace an otherwise-abstract conversation with the kind of added value derived only from being part of a real, physical exchange.  

It’s because there’s something irresistible about the act of visualising someone with whom you are conversing or collaborating.  

Our human nature is satisfied by seeing what others look like: their demeanour, their presence, their identity. 

Then there’s also the much more practical dimensions to video communication: the ability to see and show and demonstrate. 

In an enterprise context, video has the ability to take organisations’ communication functionality to the next level. It used to be the case that video was primarily used for internal and external workforce, customer and partner collaboration. Now organisations are digitising their businesses and delivering services to their customers virtually.  

And that’s why adding it to existing workflows presents system integrators, Managed Service Providers and end user organisations with the next big opportunity. 

“Video is proven to enhance the communication experience, now it is about simplifying its connection to end user organisations’ day-to-day processes – that is where the next big gains will occur,” says Jordan Owens, Vice President of Architecture at global video communications provider Pexip, whose ‘Pexip Build’ platform is already delivering big. 

“Users want that simplicity. They do not want lots of clicking and downloading. Integrating smooth, frictionless video functionality across organisations’ entire legacy systems is a challenge but it is one we relish. We are engaging with our MSP and system integrator partners to educate them on the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ so they can have those conversations with their customers. By working together, we will ensure that video is the next big transformer of businesses, no matter how big or small.” 

Powerful use case examples include the healthcare sector, where clinicians and patients are able to participate in consultations and examinations as if they were in the same room; the public sector, where citizen engagement is improving communities; and the justice sector, where defendants, lawyers, witnesses and judges all participate in real-time court hearings remotely, saving the taxpayer millions every year.    

Pexip Build is a super-secure, wholly-white-label video platform that can be tightly integrated into new or existing business processes and workflows to provide a custom branded user experience which helps clients, customers and patients feel at ease during every interaction .  

The platform is also able to support a more and more immersive customer experience; likely to be a new differentiator as B2C video communication continues to mature going forward. 

“Those of us who work in the corporate world now see video as a ubiquitous form of communication, and individuals are also now used to using it in their private and family lives via the likes of Facetime, WhatsApp and other platforms,” says Owens. 

“However, in the consumer and service spaces, this is less the case and presents huge opportunity for vendors and their reseller partners. 

“It’s how those spaces are educated and how those spaces respond that will dictate not only the pace of continued progress but also the scale of success that will be enjoyed by those vendors and partners. 

“We believe Pexip Build is at the forefront of that momentum and that we and our partners are well-positioned to help all parties capitalise on those opportunities.” 

A Pexip customer agrees, saying: “The Pexip team has been great, from the sales team to the engineering team. They are all about providing superb customer support to assist in the build out of your infrastructure (in our case on-premise and not SaaS). Their engineering support really listens and will come up with the configuration that best suites your requirements, and not treat it like one size fits all. The product, both from the Administrator side and the end-user side, is incredibly easy to use. Their documentation for each is fantastic, and easy to follow.” 

It seems the picture really is rosy and the focus sharp. 

Now it’s time for “ACTION!”  

To learn more about how Pexip can help you and your customers get more from video, visit



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