Cavell Outlines the Biggest Issues for Cloud Service Providers

Service providers are seeing their business models disrupted by organisations wanting to leverage Teams, the needs of both small and large businesses, as well as possible changes in the coming years, according to Dom Black, Director of Research at Cavell Group.

During a chat with UC Today, Black stated Cavell is seeing changes surrounding how services are sold, as well as an increase in providers implementing Microsoft Teams. 

Black said:

“We’re seeing some really competitive threats coming through from providers in the market, not offsetting on a per-user basis, but selling on concurrent call basis, which really changes the way that people are going to sell in the future and how you can actually bring those prices down.  

“We’re seeing a lot of focus around that and a lot of businesses who are looking at leveraging Microsoft Teams.  

“That has a big change in the way service providers are going to sell services alongside Microsoft as well.”  

Black also highlighted the growing focus from service providers surrounding how to improve customer engagement.  

In particular, he touched on the issue that service providers have in addressing the needs of small and large businesses that may have the same problems.  

He added: “We’re seeing a lot of focus around improving customer engagement. We talk a lot about contact centres in this world, but for small businesses, they have exactly the same issues that large businesses have.   

“They want to improve customer service, but they don’t think they need a contact centre, so how do you start bundling and patching that together for smaller businesses and businesses that don’t need that formal 1,000 plus user and agent contact centre?  

“Some big themes I think coming through on that of going ‘well, where are we going to make money in the future and what should we be looking at?'”  

Black also gave an insight into what visitors can expect from the Cloud Comms Summit US event on October 18 and 19.  

He commented: “We’re going to talk a lot around the business case for cloud comms provider; what does that look like now? What does that look like in the future, in the next five years?   

“We will especially be looking at things like the channel, is there room for service providers to make a drive significant profit in the market going forward?  

“We can’t do these talks without talking around security, without talking around regulation.   

“They’re not the most exciting topics that people want to talk about, but you looked at what happened with DDoS attacks last year, you’re looking at the amount of fraud that’s coming through telecom networks.   

“It’s something businesses and certifiers really need to be aware of now about how they can combat or at least mitigate those risks.”  

If you’re looking for more information on the Cloud Comms Summit, visit Cavell Group. 



from UC Today

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