Chatbots: How Customisation and Automation are Boosting the Service Provider Offering

Brand identity: surely it’s an organisation’s biggest asset?

The trading name, the logo, the look and feel; they all combine to deliver subtle but important key sales messages.

Much more than simply informing the world what organisations do or sell; they project their energy, tone and personality.

They reassure all those with whom organisations interact that they are established, familiar, trusted.

And that’s precisely why – at EVERY opportunity – smart organisations put their brand front and centre.

Not just via a website or a social media platform or an advertisement, but somehow in view at every stage of the customer (and potential customer) journey.

For channel vendors and their reseller partners, that almost always means leveraging the margin-rich power of white-labelling: the customisation in appearance of a non-branded solution.

Add in the ability to automate that customisation with little or no need for IT expertise and the scope for increased brand visibility widens considerably.

Mathis André

Mathis André

So where along that customer journey do those opportunities occur?

And how can MSPs, VARs and System Integrators benefit by helping their customers make the most of them?

“Customer experience is a huge differentiator for organisations in all vertical sectors and today there are many digital touchpoints at which to engage meaningfully with them – the key is to make it as simple and impactful as possible,” says Mathis AndrĂ©, Product Manager at Europe’s largest UCaaS platform provider Dstny, and original creator of its newly-refreshed, now fully-customisable white-labelled ‘Faqbot’ automated chat solution.

“Chatbots present a very good opportunity to reinforce key brand messages because they are revolutionising the way consumers interact with organisations. People engage with brands via chatbots at all hours of the day and night, through websites, Facebook and other social media platforms.

“They are browsing and buying and asking questions. It makes sense to use those moments to reinforce brand messages, however subtle.”

In the case of Faqbot in particular, a version has recently been launched that is specially designed for MSPs, VARs and System Integrators to easily align with end user customer branding.

Flexibility, aesthetic sophistication, and simplified deployment processes are all provided via a new and intuitive user interface.

“We have made the interface really beautiful and easy to use,” says AndrĂ©.

“Via an easy-to-use dashboard, the service provider can brand the solution by adding logos, colour and key text. All of those components can be added, removed or changed easily and in almost real-time for a truly responsive and personalised service.”

Deployment, too, is simple.

Customer onboarding is fully-automated via the same service provider dashboard and existing FAQs can be imported to the solution via simple, drag-and-drop.

Also – in the background and using machine learning – the solution constantly ‘trains’ the chatbot to understand and respond to multiple variants of the same questions, regardless of the communication channel via which they are being asked.

“The quality of the messaging experience is really important to the customer – if the chat bot cannot understand the question, the answer will be unsatisfactory,” says AndrĂ©.

“Our end users are able to set up notifications alerting them to that so they can intervene using a human agent if necessary.”

As more and more of us look to speed up and simplify our interactions with the brands with which we interact, chatbots undoubtedly present the channel with an exciting and lucrative opportunity.

The cleverer (and at the same time easier to deploy) they get, the faster (and bigger) the market will become.

And that’s a great conversation for MSPs to be starting with their customers.

Q: Want to improve user experience, boost brand value and reduce human agent costs ALL really easily and affordably?

A: Er, yes please!


· To learn more about Dstny can help your and your customers’ businesses digitize and thrive, visit



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