Customers rate Luware’s solution and service at an excellent 57 NPS 

Luware is an expert at developing contact centre solutions. But the company also has a lot of experience delivering excellent customer service.  

The company says its customer base, which ranges over 500 companies from all industries, rates customer service highly and with Luware’s solutions, they can also deliver exceptional service. 

Using Teams as a customer service hub

Luware’s Nimbus solution for Microsoft Teams provides users with calling and contact centre functionalities that transform the platform into a customer service hub. 

The Nimbus Contact Centre uses Teams as a central platform for all internal and external communications and turns every employee into a customer touchpoint. 

In doing so, it increases the flexibility of organisations to allow their workforce to work remotely without compromising the customer’s experience. 

James Cadman, the VP of Customer Success at Luware, said: “The beauty of Nimbus is that we try and take ourselves out of the equation as much as possible. A user in Nimbus only uses their Teams client. 

“They don’t have to learn a new piece of software. If they can take a Teams call, they can take a customer service call in Nimbus. 

“We only empower them with additional tools such as dashboards, where they can see their personal statistics to see how they’re doing and respond appropriately. 

“Beyond that, if you look at the caller experience, there’s an immense amount of flexibility you get with Nimbus. 

“You can use the drag and drop workflow editor and combine the workflow elements in any fashion you like. That way, you can create an experience tailored to your brand to ensure the customer feels like they’re being well looked after.” 

Nimbus allows for skill-based distribution to ensure incoming calls are sent to the most qualified user to improve first-call resolution. 

Following a call, the platform provides dedicated time for post-call processing to improve the agent’s time management and ensure documentation and resolution for the customer inquiry they have just dealt with. 

The aim is to ensure that companies can quickly and effectively resolve customer inquiries. 

A solution based on personal experience

Luware knows what it takes to deliver excellent service. The NPS score is used to give businesses a quick pulse about customer satisfaction and loyalty.  

It is worked out on a ratio of promoters to detractors and can range from -100 to 100, so positive scores are good, with scores above 50 considered excellent. 

According to Cadman, Luware currently has an NPS of 57, which he puts down to the company constantly listening and adapting to its target market. 

He added: “For me, what it comes down to is having great people; that’s 50% of the equation, and beyond that, I think it’s a cultural thing as we’ve always had this reputation for having exceptional service quality. 

“Our customers receive a hands-on guided experience where we’re not watching the clock and ticking down the seconds that have been paid for on an onboarding package. 

“The benefit for the end customer is within a few minutes, they could be using a new feature that they’ve never even considered before, didn’t exist when they bought the product, and now it’s a big benefit to everyone. 

“You’ve got to keep evolving, you’ve got to listen to your market, and you’ve got to develop new features and road map items that suit their needs and try and keep that focus on the customer.” 

If you wish to learn more about Luware’s Nimbus solution, then click here to find out more. 



from UC Today

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