Educational Case Study in Focus: Code Ninjas and Workplace from Meta

Education comes in many different forms in today’s complex and ever-evolving landscape. Teaching students to prepare for a new, digitally-transformative future means equipping them with new skills beyond the basics of math, science, and language. Many learning institutions are now beginning to embrace the concept of teaching code to youngsters as a way of expanding their skills.

Code Ninjas, a company committed to helping youngsters develop a range of talents while showing them the basics of code, is an innovator in its field. With Code Ninjas, children can learn how to develop their own video games while developing essential knowledge. Kids gain critical thinking, problem-solving, and STEM skills in an inspirational environment. 

Over the years since its inception, Code Ninjas has quickly become one of the world’s largest, fastest-growing coding franchises for education. Now, there are hundreds of locations across the UK, Canada, and the United States. However, even innovators like Code Ninjas can face issues when their communication strategies aren’t aligned. 

Here’s how Code Ninjas evolved with the help of Workplace from Meta.

Paving the Way for Continued Innovation

Code Ninjas has quickly taken the world by storm with its unique approach to education and empowerment for young students. In 2020, the company was growing at an exceptional rate, with offices and franchises all over the world. However, as the ecosystem grew, silos began to form, with limited communication between team leaders and the Home Office. 

Eventually, the leaders in the business realised the only way to succeed in the evolving ecosystem was to create a more powerful communication stack for their internal teams. Code Ninjas needed a convenient, easy-to-implement platform for sharing information, engaging franchisees, and helping teams to collaborate on a global level. 

The team wanted a solution equipped to bolster a culture of more consistent, open, and candid communication across the worldwide organisation. Fortunately, Workplace from Meta (previously Facebook) emerged as the perfect solution. Familiar and mobile-friendly, the environment allowed leaders to deliver the platform to teams around the world with virtually no training.

According to Code Ninjas, Workplace was chosen as the ideal solution because it allowed them to bridge the gaps of open communication between franchisees. The ability to share updates immediately, receive feedback and comment on concerns was crucial. Workplace allowed for the creation of a community experience, where franchises could run more efficiently and smoothly with the assistance of people across the globe. 

Developing an Engaging Collaborative Ecosystem

While other educational institutions were struggling with the transition to digital education as a result of the pandemic, Code Ninjas was already firmly on the path to a tech-focused future. Unfortunately, what the team had failed to account for, was the potential gaps between their team members and franchise owners beginning to form when the business started to evolve. 

Before embracing the features of Workplace from Facebook, Code Ninjas had no tools in place to align team members from different franchises, either with each other or the head office. This made it difficult to deliver consistent support, transparency, and updates to educators. It also meant the team members from different franchises couldn’t share ideas on how to improve lessons and engage students on various levels.

Workplace from Facebook seemed like the ideal option for the franchise, as it offered a convenient way to bring users together without the need for excessive training. Many staff members and faculty members were already familiar with the Facebook ecosystem, which made the switch to a Workplace environment feel natural and streamlined. 

With Workplace accounts for all franchise owners and employees, Code Ninjas has been able to create an open and vibrant community. Team members can reach out to Home Office for guidance instantly or collaborate with other teachers, regardless of their location. The mobile-responsive environment is also ideal for the flexible workers in the community, who were already embracing a hybrid approach to work before the pandemic hit. 

Workplace empowers teams with a complete ecosystem where they can find solutions to common problems, access resources, and seek advice in minimal time. Two-way lines of communication also ensure the dispersed workforce feels less isolated from the rest of the community when delivering powerful training sessions to children.

Embracing the Unique Features of Workplace

The ease-of-use and convenience offered by the Workplace from Meta environment have been extremely lucrative for Code Ninjas and its franchised educators. Administrators in the Code Ninja’s team use the “Draft for” feature, so messages can easily be developed in advance and shared on behalf of leaders for everyone to access. 

Executives and directors can quickly and easily share critical information and updates. This not only empowers educators to deliver their best possible services to students, but it also means franchisees can stay up-to-date with the latest information. Whenever new training solutions or ideas are introduced, everyone in the team can access the same guidance and support, wherever they are.

The Code Ninjas team is also taking advantage of “Workplace Groups”. This allows for the creation of dedicated community environments for specific teams and sectors. According to the leaders in the community, this has led to a significant improvement in collaboration between Code Ninjas franchisees. The new connections help the company to streamline the sharing of knowledge. 

Code Ninjas now has an environment where its members can openly and effectively communicate to ensure exceptional levels of productivity. The privacy settings available within each Group also mean it’s possible to protect certain pieces of sensitive information. This is particularly crucial in the educational environment, where privacy is key. 

According to the team, since Workplace from Meta was introduced, there’s been significant adoption throughout the whole organization. Now between 95 and 98% of the workforce is active on Workplace at any given time, taking advantage of Groups, Chat, and an in-built knowledge library. 



from UC Today

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