Building on its longstanding partnership with Vision Dept, an Italian distributor of products and services for visually impaired and blind people, Mida Solutions has been working closely with the distributor to understand how to improve Mida Attendant Console in order to allow blind and visually impaired people to use the latest version of the application smoothly, without any kind of limitations compared to sighted operators. This has resulted in the new user interface of Mida Attendant Console achieving the aim of placing blind and visually impaired operators on a level playing field with sighted workers.

In spite of a complete graphical make-over, Mida has maintained the same dedicated elements in the previous release thus enhancing its usability with new practical implementations. The focus has been to simplify call management functions and enable greater customisation so vision-impaired workers feel well-supported as part of an enterprise’s customer service staff. Customisation means individual workers can tailor their interfaces according to their vision and be more efficient in their work.

Working on a project that aims at the inclusiveness of people has been exciting and very instructive,” says Andrea Ziggiotto, Software Engineer at Mida Solutions.

“We have tried to translate the special needs of blind and visually impaired operators into intuitive and customizable functionalities. These steps towards a more accessible console allow them to feel more motivated in managing calls. Their visual disabilities aren’t a limit because they are supported by a professional tool.” 

The special needs of each visually impaired and blind operator can be efficiently met by features included in the new version of Attendant Console. These range from optimised shortcuts which can be simply modified by agents who select their favourite keys from the drop-down menu in the console. Shortcuts help agents search for the information they need in a second just by using the keyboard. In addition, the new version enables agents to move with the keyboard from one area to another. They can use only the tab key to move from one area of the console to another before using only the up and down keys to move around that area.

Further new features include new audio notifications such as the console beeping to inform users of new incoming calls or notification reminders. The system also supports automatic login and logout from queues without having to handle each queue individually.

From a user perspective, the new version offers a customisable console appearance so font size, colours and text capitalisation can all be adapted to suit individual preferences. Having the ability to adjust these options contributes to enabling an optimised set up for some types of screen magnifiers that visually-impaired workers use. 

Each person with a sight disability has different needs which is why the new system allows them to customise the console by simplifying the user interface: they can choose which information or areas they want to be displayed by default. All these functionalities can be set up directly by the agent from the settings area of Mida Attendant Console or in Mida Unified Portal, the web portal where Mida products can be configured.


from UC Today