The Most Popular UCaaS Security Reviews for 2022 

When purchasing a new UCaaS solution, business leaders have a number of factors to think about. They need to prioritise ease of use and employee experience to ensure excellent adoption of the technology across the workforce. At the same time, it’s vital to consider the changing communication landscape and the emerging methods customers and businesses are using to connect.  

However, perhaps the top priority for any organisation should be keeping the UCaaS environment protected and secure. The flexible and agile nature of UCaaS means the landscape is constantly facing an ever-evolving range of complex threats. Ensuring this technology is protected against data breaches, attacks, malware, and phishing is essential for any brand. 

The following UCaaS reviews focus on tools, services, and platforms built with a strong focus on high-security standards, monitoring, and protection.  

Wildix Review 

A growing name in the UC&C space, Wildix offers global access to fantastic communication and collaboration tools for a range of business leaders. Not only does Wildix offer phenomenal scalability and agility with its communications system, but it also prioritizes security, privacy, and compliance. The “security by design” approach implemented by Wildix means all voice and data transmitted through the service are protected by native encryption.  

Wildix integrates naturally with Microsoft Teams, making it an ideal solution for companies hoping to expand their Microsoft ecosystem investment. The technology also comes with fraud detection and prevention technology, SBC access, and ISO 27001 standard defences. Companies also get the benefits of MIFID, GDPR, PCI-DSS, and other compliance standards.  

This Wildix review covers everything business leaders need to know about the secure and efficient solution Wildix offers for modern UCaaS functionality.  

PGi GlobalMeet 

Another UCaaS solution with an excellent investment in high-security standards, PGi GlobalMeet, comes with various features to address the safety concerns of modern business users. There’s a proof-of-concept quantum encryption solution, waiting room and host controls for meetings, and a state-of-the-art compliant desktop application.  

PGi features a dedicated security module in the GlobalMeet environment, where business leaders can have full control over the access levels of each employee. Enterprise-level security is also implemented into the webcast features available from the service.  

In this PGi GlobalMeet review, companies can discover all of the details PGi’s security standards, which include fraud detection and prevention, SBC connectivity, GDPR and data sovereignty options, among other high-level features.  

Amazon Chime 

As one of the world leaders in cloud-based technology, Amazon Web Services doesn’t cut any corners with its security strategy. With Amazon Chime, companies can gain access to highly flexible cloud-based calling technology enhanced by a resilient network architecture. Amazon Chime’s platform is custom-made to address the needs of most regulated companies. 

With Chime, business leaders get access to a range of region hosting options, encryption for all data transmission, and automatic patch updates. There’s access to Single-sign-on and extensive user management for access controls. Users can also search through call records and reports for signs of potential security or data breaches.  

This Amazon Chime review looks at all of the flexible and scalable benefits offered by the Chime ecosystem for companies with high-security requirements.  

ASC Recording Insights 

Built for companies using Microsoft Teams as their core solution for communications and collaboration, ASC Recording Insights ensures all recordings are as compliant as possible. This end-to-end solution for call recording and data analytics is ideal for businesses in highly regulated industries. It features MiFID II and Dodd-Frank turnkey compliance. Plus, companies can choose where they want to store their data from a range of geographical data centres.  

Convenient and easy to use, ASC Recording Insights offers companies a variety of ways to upgrade their compliance strategy while leveraging the power of data. The solution also includes next-level encryption, with the option to provide administrators with exclusive and rotatable encryption keys.  

Within this ASC Recording Insights review, businesses can learn all about the compliant controls and security measures implemented by ASC, to take Microsoft Teams recording to the next level. Data can even be encrypted at the tenant level.  


A leading solution in the emerging landscape of UC Service Management, ForgeServe delivers enhanced security for UCaaS initiatives through boosted visibility into the technology stack. The cross-platform architecture makes it easier to monitor and evaluate communication strategies across different environments. What’s more, ForgeServe comes packaged with a host of security tools. 

The platform includes SSL mutual client authentication and device identity validation to keep fraud issues to a minimum. There’s complete encryption included for all conversations at rest and in transit. What’s more, there’s also access to a built-in UNITE tool for the creation of secure activation tools for different administrators in the business.  

In this ForgeServe review, companies can learn more about how they can leverage the end-to-end visibility of ForgeServe to stay on top of performance issues and security threats in their network. 

Avaya Cloud Office 

Avaya Cloud Office, powered by the experts at RingCentral, offers a fantastic solution for business leaders prioritising security in their UCaaS deployments. The environment puts compliance and peace of mind first, with industry-specific support available for brands in different regulated sectors. There are even call log reports available for compliance needs.  

Avaya Cloud Office from RingCentral comes with call monitoring and recording options included, as well as real-time analytics, device status reports and alerts. There is quality of service reports to examine meeting quality, as well as excellent high-level encryption methods for all forms of communication in the business.  

This Avaya Cloud Office review covers all the features of the Avaya and RingCentral services for companies planning on implementing a new UCaaS system.  



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