Cracking the Collaboration Conundrum: Transitioning to the New Event Landscape

The future of work has arrived. Not long ago, collaboration in any business involved bringing team members together around a table where they could share ideas in person. Now, the age of digital transformation has introduced a slew of tools to help bridge the gap between employees wherever they are, introducing a new age of virtually synchronised work.

The good news for business leaders is that this new landscape can deliver many benefits. Today’s companies can hire and engage employees from all over the globe, ensuring they always have the right talent to achieve corporate goals. Teams are becoming more diverse, creative, productive, and efficient, with scalable cloud environments to empower them.

However, the new age of work isn’t without its challenges. In order to make the most of today’s distributed workforce, companies need to invest in new ways of aligning their employees and enabling productivity. So, how do companies crack the collaboration conundrum?

“Business leaders need to have the ability to hold immersive, interactive and secure meetings of any size, from anywhere, with any device” said Joe Mc Stravick, Managing Director, International, BlueJeans by Verizon. “By fusing together video and mobility, BlueJeans provides organisations with the powerful tools they need to enable that inclusive and engaging culture—one where no one gets left behind, no matter where they are, in this new state of work.”

Aligning Event Teams in the New Age of Work

Learning how to align teams successfully in ​today’s workplace​​Click here to enter text.​ is crucial for businesses. Not only does it ensure companies can continue to reap the benefits of a collaborative workforce, but it also means brands can take new measures to engage and convert their customers.

For many companies, investing in the right technology is the first step in ensuring teams can thrive in the years ahead. Collaboration tools like video conferencing apps, file-sharing solutions and meeting software are all critical to keeping team members on the same page. However, for many companies, it’s also essential to consider how they’ll bring their team members together for specific projects and use cases.

For instance, 73% of event planners say hybrid and virtual events will become more common in the years ahead. People are looking for more cost-effective, versatile, and easily accessible event experiences, which reduce the need for travel. Unfortunately, in the past, planning and hosting events has been a complex process for distributed teams.

For most brands, the event planning process has often required countless staff members, from content creators to service managers, to come together in the same space to bring experiences to life. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case. Business leaders can still create powerful hybrid events with distributed teams with the right tools and strategies.

Tips for Collaboratively Creating Compelling Events

Thanks to the scalable and flexible cloud environment, companies no longer need to connect all employees in the same physical environment for event planning. Instead, they can leverage various tools to create compelling content for the virtual space.

Tools like BlueJeans Studio, with BlueJeans Virtual Events, provide companies with an all-in-one collaborative environment where teams can host and manage production-grade virtual events without any complex technology. The right tools can empower teams to deliver engaging live streams and pre-recorded event experiences to customers and communities worldwide.

Here are some quick tips companies can use to ensure they get the best results from their collaborative event planning, hosting, and sharing strategy:

Choose the right scalable software:

First, designing collaborative virtual events in the modern world requires companies to invest in the right technology. Today’s brands need an all-in-one platform to conveniently create events with live videos, screen sharing, chat, and other features.

An all-in-one event platform will make it simpler for distributed teams to produce everything from product launch events to educational webinars in a matter of minutes. Look for a cloud-based solution with built-in production tools, support for a range of presentation modes, and access to various streaming solutions.

Empower hybrid teams with collaboration:

Most virtual and digital events today require the input of different staff members from various departments. To ensure each event makes the right impression, companies must ensure their employees can collaborate seamlessly when working on content.

An event platform which integrates with collaborative tools for video conferencing, chat, and file sharing can ensure every staff member can play an essential role in making the experience more impactful for the end user. Plus, with collaboration tools, companies can keep travel costs and expenses to a minimum when producing content.

Find ways to stand out from the crowd:

As virtual events become more prevalent, it’s becoming harder than ever for companies to ensure their experiences stand out from the crowd. The most impressive online experiences must directly engage audiences and generate emotional responses. With this in mind, brands should think carefully about how they can drive the right results.

Start by building an event experience that’s easily accessible across any channel or device, so customers and contacts can enjoy a streamlined user experience. From there, think of ways to make each event unique, from adding custom backgrounds and logos to experimenting with different styles of high-quality video content.

Look for ways to keep audiences engaged:

The most memorable events are the ones that engage their audiences. Just like at live events, attendees want to be able to answer questions, collect resources, and connect with presenters. With that in mind, it’s worth finding an event-hosting solution that supports various engagement forms.

The right tool should enable everything from real-time chat conversations between customers to polls and Question and Answer sessions. Some event solutions even allow companies to share content, videos, and screens on demand, to enhance the quality of the content.

Learn, optimise, and improve:

Finally, to make the most of every event experience, companies should constantly look for ways to learn and enhance their content and processes. Tools like BlueJeans Virtual Events come with analytical resources built-in to help with this. Companies can track engagement levels and crucial metrics to determine where their events hit home.

With more reports and insights, business leaders can make better decisions about future event strategies. Plus, they can empower collaborative teams with the information they need to excel.



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