How to Take Your Business to the Next Level with Automation Software

In science fiction films, typical plot lines involve diabolical artificial intelligence and malevolent robots that pit themselves against humans in a battle for supremacy.

The underlying premise is that humans once naively believed that automation was inherently good – until it wasn’t.

The backstory typically involves humans gradually relinquishing independence in favour of automating every aspect of life. That well-worn dystopian future depicted by Hollywood has an air of plausibility – so long as we ignore reality.

Because the truth is that today’s automation software and apps deliver impressive gains. Correctly deployed, these tools reduce operating costs, streamline operations, and break down information silos. All that while inspiring employees to take control of the strategic direction of their departments by creating apps and automating their processes.

Automation Gains Favour Among Employees

According to a 2021 Zapier study, employees in companies that use automation software experience significant improvements in their efficiency:

  • 45 percent say it helps them to be more organised.
  • 45 percent say it helps complete tasks faster.
  • 37 percent say it helps the team focus on important work.
  • 35 percent say it reduces human error.
  • 33 percent say they like to experiment with new technology.

Microsoft Power Platform and Apps Deliver the Goods

The Power Platform combines five core elements into one environment. The major benefit of Apps and Automation is saving time and money,

Power Platform Cuts Costs

It’s flexible. It’s easy to use. Organisations quickly see meaningful results. Better still, the costs are reasonable compared to creating apps from scratch using a traditional development approach.

Speed Counts

Gone are the days when companies could ignore technology and innovation. It’s innovate or die.

With Microsoft’s Power Platform, companies can rapidly create solutions in minutes that would have taken weeks or months. It offers a low code environment which means employees with a level of technical skills can develop their own reports, apps and custom bots to reduce pain points and remove organisational bottlenecks.

Improve Employee Efficiency

Employees can create simple automated workflows with easy-to-use templates and guidelines. Data flows can also be automated enabling them to reduce repetitive tasks and focus on high-level tasks instead.

Act Decisively with a Dashboard on Your World

Power Platform offers Power BI which enables employees to organise data from different sources in one convenient dashboard. That makes it easy to share insights, track data and convert information into actionable insights.

Liberate the IT Team

With employees creating apps, automation and analytics the IT team can focus on more complex applications.

Enhance Employee Experience – Reduce Churn

There’s tremendous power in a self-motivated organisation. Power Automate reduces employee frustration because employees can take command of their mission and their future. It means finding meaning in their jobs. Better still, it increases the chance that they’ll stay with the organisation.

Augment Staff

Microsoft’s Power Platform augments and optimises teams with powerful virtual assistants and chatbots. With Power Virtual Agents it’s easy to create and manage chatbots to handle customer queries or troubleshoot issues for employees.

Begin the Automation Journey with Resonate

Transformative organisations lead to transformative products. Transformative products manifest deeply loyal customers and powerful brands. Resonate will help you harness the full value of the Microsoft Power Platform.

Get in touch with Resonate to accelerate your company’s transformation.



from UC Today

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