Combining UC with Quality Audio Video Solutions

Meetings have always been a core part of how we communicate in the business world. However, the rise of hybrid and remote working practices has altered the way we connect and collaborate in recent years. Video and web conferencing tools have become a mainstay of the digital workforce, allowing business leaders to present content, unify employees and synchronize teams like never before.

The majority of the most popular tools for unified communications, ranging from Cisco Webex to Zoom and Microsoft Teams, come with their own conferencing solutions already built in. These platforms allow users to schedule, manage, and even enhance meetings with virtual backgrounds, real-time transcription, and AI.

Unfortunately, it’s not enough to just have the right software solutions in place. Companies also need to ensure they’re leveraging the right AV technologies to allow for crisp, clean video images, exceptional audio, and intuitive collaboration.

So, how do organizations effectively connect their UC and AV investments?

Step 1: Prioritize Meeting Room Technology

Great collaborative experiences require the perfect blend of innovative software and intuitive hardware. The right AV tools allow companies to instantly transform any room or office environment into a fully functional meeting room, complete with digital whiteboards, HD video and sensational audio. However, to choose the right solution, companies first need to evaluate what they need.

Simply plugging a laptop into a conference room TV and connecting a webcam or speakerphone might not be enough for every business. In some cases, creating inclusive and productivity-boosting meeting rooms means working with companies capable of designing an AV solution according to the unique needs of each client. The best solutions should eliminate networking issues caused by multiple devices competing for bandwidth.

They can also reduce the risk of lost productivity and diminished understanding between employees by intelligently enhancing voice and video signals in real-time. Businesses should be looking for meeting room solutions  that seamlessly integrate with the UC systems that their workforce has become accustomed to collaborating with over the past two years.

“Right now, customers across industries are making investments into their meeting room environments—and for good reason. Since the pandemic, employees have come to rely heavily on collaboration tools and now these organizations must focus on bringing this same frictionless and consistent user experience to every meeting space” – Continuant

Step 2: Invest in Great User Experiences

Today’s AV solutions are becoming a lot more user-friendly. Leading vendors can produce a host of powerful tools built for plug-and-play functionality. This means employees can spend more time leveraging the power of their UC technology stack and less time configuring devices.

However, even in a world of intuitive tools, utilizing UC and AV technologies in tandem can require some training. Even the most flexible employees can benefit from access to guidelines and support when they’re using new technology for the first time. With that in mind, it’s worth ensuring every staff member can access the right guides, how-to documentation and support for both the UC solution in use and the AV hardware available.

Teaching employees not only how to use the tools at their disposal but also minimizing risks, maximizing productivity, and adhering to business policies will reduce the number of challenges business leaders need to overcome.

Step 3: Look for a Managed Service Provider

A managed service provider can be the ultimate partner for any business looking to unlock the full benefits of both their UC and AV solutions. The most advanced companies not only help business leaders to develop custom AV strategies. They also help with everything from change management to implementation and ongoing technology optimization.

While the exact services offered by any MSP can vary, business leaders should focus on looking for support from flexible companies with expertise in the AV and UC space. The best MSP will know not only how to design effective meeting rooms but also how to take full advantage of the UC platform in use, such as Microsoft Teams or Cisco Webex.

It’s also worth considering the additional services and support an MSP can offer. Some solution providers will offer access to experienced engineers for maintenance, real-time monitoring and analytics, and even service assurance.

Step 4: Plan to Optimize and Evolve

When today’s companies build a strategy for unifying their UC platform with their AV investments, it’s worth remembering the world around us is constantly changing and evolving. As the workplace continues to transform and new tools and features are introduced into the UC landscape, the AV technology in the business needs to be able to evolve too.

Implementing a plan which includes proactive environment management, access to monthly reporting and analytics, and regular software updates and hardware enhancements can help businesses stay one step ahead of the competition. Once again, the right MSP will be valuable here, as they can work with brands to ensure they’re prepared for any additions to their tech stack, software changes or feature rollouts. Some can even aid with employee training and development.

Additionally, many MSPs will be able to take on some of the most complex and repetitive work associated with staying up to date on a company’s behalf. For instance, they can implement software patches remotely, fix bugs automatically, and keep business leaders up to date on the latest features they can leverage for their meeting rooms.

Step 5: Maintain Visibility

Finally, to take full advantage of both their AV technologies and their UC ecosystem, business leaders need to ensure they’re keeping a close eye on the performance of their systems.

Complete end-to-end visibility and proactive monitoring don’t just help organizations to stay ahead with the latest features and toolsets. It can also help to reduce the risk of downtime, as well as minimizing security and compliance issues.

Implementing a plan for consistently monitoring and evaluating the AV and UC environment will allow business leaders to avoid any dangerous and time-consuming issues. In some cases, it’s even possible to work with a Managed Service Provider who can deliver this support remotely, reducing the costs and complexity for in-house teams.

MSPs can even manage ongoing maintenance tasks in the background, so businesses can spend less time-fighting fires and more time ensuring everyone can meet, communicate, and collaborate effectively.

from UC Today

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