International airlines have a lot on the line. Small mistakes can have devastating consequences. Not unlike the adage, “A chain is only as strong as its links,” every airline team member is vital to the success of every flight and the safety of every passenger.

That’s why a major airline in Asia decided every employee needed the best tools to engage in productive collaboration and communication. This just wasn’t limited to the Asia region. It meant connecting employees across dozens of countries and regional locations. It meant expanding its unified and centralised cloud calling solutions from 60 users to 10,000.  A tall order indeed.

The airline chose Tata Communications.

It’s one of the largest airlines in the world in terms of revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) and freight revenue ton kilometres, operating over 1,500 flights per week in more than 100 cities across Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania. It carries more than 20 million passengers and hauls more than 5,000 tons of cargo.

With that kind of responsibility, they needed a UCaaS partner they could trust.

How Tata Communications Moved a Major Airline to the Cloud

It was no small challenge.

The airline’s original telephony systems had multiple PBXs, each serving its own region or country. They lacked an effective unified collaboration platform without the ability to support remote and work-from-home employees.

It also meant they had to manage their communication systems separately, which was a highly inefficient use of resources. Team efforts were duplicated, and communicating and collaborating were ineffective.

The airline wanted a unified and centralised cloud-calling solution allowing all their employees to collaborate and communicate, regardless of their country.

“Airlines run on razor-thin schedules with lean staffing in multi-regional geographies,” said Annu Kurian Alexander, Deputy General Manager – Product Marketing, Tata Communications.

“Airline budgets are tight. They run their operations under extraordinary pressure while delivering exceptional service under tremendously demanding customer expectations. I believe the airline selected Tata  because we have a lot of scar tissue in the UCaaS space, and we fundamentally understand what airlines live with daily,” he explained.

The airline also required a seamless collaboration experience, including calling, messaging, meetings, and voicemail.

How Tata Communications Took the Airline to the Cloud

Tata Communications brought a complete UCaaS solution to the airline’s digital transformation effort with Tata Communications GlobalRapide and Webex Calling by Tata Communications.

Webex Calling by Tata Communications – a managed Cloud Calling solution powered by Cisco Webex technology and incorporating an enterprise-grade Cloud Calling, PBX platform, an OTT/Internet-based access/connectivity with domestic and international PSTN and Voice minutes bundled.

The Cloud Calling solution includes domestic PSTN replacement services for Malaysia and Singapore users.

In addition to the IP phones, users have a unified soft client for laptops and smartphones. On the unified application, users access messaging, space/room, presence, calling, meeting, desktop and file sharing, and voice mail functionalities.

Big Business Impact Successful Takeoff

The results were transformative.

Now the airline has a borderless communication and collaboration solution that improves employee productivity and enhances the airline’s operations.

It also ensured business continuity and a smooth transition to remote work during the pandemic.

Its centralised management platform reduces inefficiencies freeing employees to focus on core business activities. The single-provider set-up significantly reduced cost. Lastly, the global coverage offered by Tata Communications fits the airline’s needs.

Now it plans to move to UCaaS in the USA, Europe more countries in Asia Pacific.

To learn more about Tata Communications GlobalRapide and how it can power an airline into digital transformation, and all types of organisations to cloud collaboration, click here.

from UC Today