Why it Pays to Place High Value on Agent User Experience

Let’s hear it for the contact centre agent!

Once upon a time they were cast in the role of one-dimensional crisis manager tasked with creating a protective barrier between a brand and its dissatisfied customers.

Today, they are sophisticated multi-taskers – completely key to the success of every enterprise and with the ability to positively impact every facet of an organisation; from operations to revenue to brand reputation.

Of course, to really deliver, they must have the right tools at their disposal.

The always-on, omnichannel nature of the modern communications environment has revolutionised the way consumers interact with their favourite brands, and enterprises must be able to respond to the associated challenges.

However, to succeed, they must not only consider the communication experience from the customer’s perspective (critical though that is). The agent experience, too, must be a rewarding one: as simple, slick, and satisfying for them as it is for those with whom they interact.

All of that is reliant upon deploying a contact centre solution that ticks all of those boxes and more.

“Agents used to be seen just as a cost to a business, but now they are highly-valued net contributors – that is why equipping them with the smartest tools possible make such sense,” says Alexis Carbonnelle, Product Owner at Europe’s leading UCaaS provider Dstny, whose powerful, all-in-one-place ConnectMe application is a perfect case in point.

“Enterprises that provide their agents with an uncomplicated, joined-up, and feature-rich application upon which to work are the ones which will see the biggest return on investment because the agent is able to focus fully on the customer and their needs.”

In the case of ConnectMe, the clever, cloud-powered, fully brandable application for service providers combines web-based calls, AI-powered chat assistance, and an omnichannel interface for a streamlined and seamless customer support experience.

In addition to voice channel functionality, it also supports digital customer interactions management within the same easy-to-use interface, integrating with all major social media apps, customer websites, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms.

AI-powered chatbot functionality also helps manage digital interactions such as providing answers to frequently asked questions, freeing up human agents to deliver a richer, personal customer experience.

Crucially, Dstny designers worked closely with contact centre agents and their supervisors when building the solution; drawing on their real-life experience in order to offer the best possible user interface.

“We continually tested and honed the solution prior to launch,” says Carbonnelle.

“The aim was for the agent to not have to think about its functionality. We wanted the agent to feel totally at ease and as one with ConnectMe. Intuitive; no synching; single-click processes; all communications via all channels in one place; and no multi-screen chair-swivelling.”

The solution’s future roadmap also includes in-app chat between agent and supervisor, enabling faster and responsive customer issue resolution AND increased levels of agent support and real-time training.

“The agent/supervisor relationship is hugely important to the efficiency of the contact centre and we want both to be able to communicate with each other in a way which is conducive to a premium experience,” says Carbonnelle.

Last but not least, ConnectMe and its entire functionality is available on any connected device – meaning agents are able to work from home or on the go.

“Smart enterprises invest in their contact centre agents because they know that the role they perform is so much bigger than it ever used to be,” says Carbonnelle.

“The way they connect with customers and the efficiency with which they handle interactions says so much about a brand or a business. In the case of some organisations, contact centre agents are the only humans with whom customers communicate.

“Ensuring the experience is a rich and rewarding one for both parties should be a top priority.”

To learn more about how Dstny can help your and your customers businesses’ leverage the power of cloud business communications technology, click here.

from UC Today https://ift.tt/xF5r39v

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