Learning is changing. 

Video-equipped classrooms, digital books, online lectures: technology is once again at the heart of a fast-moving evolution with far-reaching implications. 

For schools, colleges and universities, the challenge is to respond effectively and efficiently to that new-world order and to do so in ways which simultaneously deliver improved outcomes and a return on investment. 

For those organisations’ technology partners (and their resellers), the scale of the opportunity is significant. The key to success? Understanding current market trends, having hardware and software offerings that address the big issues, and the experience to deliver and support a winning solution. 

The trick is to pick a provider that has all the bases covered. 

“We now have a generation of teachers and students for whom technological tools of all kinds are a daily part of life – that means the delivery of education has already changed massively and will continue to do so going forward,” says Eric Garnier, Head of Professional Audio Video and Education at leading provider AVer Europe whose sector experience and cutting-edge solutions form a potent combination. 

“The COVID pandemic also changed everything forever too, of course. For example, before that, it would have been hard to find many teachers using a camera to help deliver a lesson or deploying Microsoft Teams or Zoom to support pupils’ learning. They were nervous due to their own limitations, but they now have an entirely different relationship with technology. Today, the deployment of audio visual tools and technology is transforming not only their day-to-day role, but also their students’ experiences and outcomes.”    

In practical terms, more and more young people are now learning from a laptop or other device as opposed to a book. That enables educators to develop richer and more effective online content that can be consumed by students anywhere and at any time. 

In the case of AVer Europe in particular, it has responded to that key market trend by developing laptop charging carts – highly-portable cabinets which store and charge multiple school-provided laptops and tablets for use by students who do not have their own. 

“We launched charging carts in the US several years ago and they were a huge success,” says Garnier. “The European market is now the focus, and it is huge. Not every family can afford to provide children with their own laptop, but they are becoming increasingly essential to have in school. It’s just the modern world in which we now live.” 

That kind of access to online learning promotes increased educational flexibility and accessibility. 

From a market opportunity perspective, governments and commercial educational establishments alike will be forced to respond to demand by investing in whatever technologies support that new, modern way of educating. 

In the Higher Education sector, for example, AVer Europe is enjoying huge success with its automatic tracking ‘pan, tilt, zoom’ camera solution. Completely plug-and-play, the device automatically follows the movements of an on-stage lecturer for the benefit of students watching on a large screen from a distance. 

“The key is simplicity,” says Garnier. “Teachers are not technicians, they are here to teach. We don’t want them to spend time on setting and activating a camera, so our product does it all automatically. It delivers a richer experience for teacher and student. Demand for this kind of educational technology is only going to increase going forward.” 

Indeed, longer term, technology that supports so-called ‘hybrid’ or ‘distance learning’ is likely to have a transformational effect on colleges’ and universities’ fundamental business models. Bricks-and-mortar campuses and facilities are likely to slowly reduce in size and number as more and more students study remotely. 

As a result, for AVer Europe customers (Value Added Resellers, System Integrators and technology wholesalers) the education sector presents significant opportunities for wins in the short-term as well as sustained growth for the future.  

Hands-up those who like the sound of that..! 

 To learn more about how AVer Europe can help your and your partners’ education sector customers maximize the digital learning revolution opportunity, click here 

from UC Today https://ift.tt/biSZfWy