How to Compare Hybrid Workforce Analytics Software

Hybrid work is here to stay, increasing demand for workforce analytics software.

While many companies are beginning to introduce return-to-the-office initiatives, countless others still see the benefits of flexible work initiatives. Hybrid work strategies can unlock higher employee productivity, engagement, and satisfaction levels.

Moreover, they help companies reduce operational costs, minimize turnover, and attract a wider selection of talented candidates. Of course, to ensure a hybrid working strategy is beneficial, businesses need access to the correct data.

Hybrid workforce analytics software ensures companies can track key metrics related to employee productivity and engagement to optimize strategies over time.

The question is, how do you choose the right analytical solution?

Comparing Workforce Analytics Software for Hybrid Teams

Workforce analytics software has grown in popularity in recent years. By 2030, the market is expected to be worth around $4.78 billion. A growing need for valuable insights into staffing, engagement, and scheduling strategies for the hybrid workforce is accelerating this industry.

Many companies now offer workforce analytics software as an add-on or integration in UCaaS and CCaaS platforms. For instance, Microsoft introduced its Viva solution to deliver analytical insights to employees and business leaders.

To choose the right strategy for your business, there are a few steps you’ll need to take:

Step 1: Define What You Want to Analyze

The first step in choosing the right workforce analytics software is determining what metrics or KPIs you need to track in your business. In today’s world, many UCaaS platforms and workforce optimization tools can provide valuable insights into hybrid work productivity.

These solutions can help companies keep track of employee schedules, working hours, and even how many employees attend meetings and group conversations. However, some businesses will need solutions capable of delivering deeper insights.

You may need to track employee satisfaction scores and eNPS rates to ensure your hybrid workers remain engaged and satisfied. Other companies may need to track quality assurance metrics and technology adoption rates. Consider what kind of data you need to access when selecting your solution.

Step 2: Ensure Integrations are Available

While it is possible to purchase stand-alone hybrid workforce analytics software, it’s worth remembering that this technology thrives on access to data. The more data you can implement into the system, the more accurate and useful your insights will be.

Innovative analytical tools should make it easy to integrate your technology with all the tools team members use so you can maintain complete visibility into your workforce. For instance, if you’re using Microsoft tools like Teams for productivity and meetings, your analytics tool should be able to draw insights from every collaborative session.

Your analytical tools may also need to connect with contact center platforms so you can monitor agent performance, scheduling and forecasting tools for workforce management, and access control tools. You may even want to align data from your business environment with CRM data to determine how employee productivity and performance affect customer satisfaction scores.

Step 3: Choose Intuitive Hybrid Workforce Analytics Software

When implementing new technology into your business environment, prioritizing ease of use is essential. The right tools for hybrid team analytics should make it simple for business leaders, supervisors, and managers to convert raw data into valuable insights.

The most innovative solutions will allow users to dive into granular details within data. They’ll show staff members which devices employees use, how long they spend on different tasks and software, and how their productivity changes over time.

These solutions can also convert complicated data insights into more manageable visual reports. This makes it simpler to see changes in productivity and engagement over time. Such as when new tools and policies are implemented.

Step 4: Remember Data Privacy

The rise of employee and workforce analytics software has increased concerns about data privacy and the ethics of “monitoring” team members. Although business leaders can benefit significantly from accessing insights into the workforce, protecting employee privacy is important.

Innovative workforce analytics software ensures companies can get behind-the-scenes insights into crucial metrics without damaging trust with team members. The right solutions should ensure companies can adhere to regulatory guidelines in their industry and protect any of the data they collect. They should also allow companies to gain consent for storing data when necessary.

Some solutions can even separate data into reports designed for individual users and overviews for supervisors and managers.

Step 5: Consider Advanced Features

Like any modern workforce technology, automation solutions must scale and evolve with your business. This means ensuring the technology you choose can adapt to support new employees when they join your business and align with new tech initiatives.

For instance, leading hybrid workforce analytics tools can provide historical and real-time data access. This ensures supervisors can receive updates and notifications when productivity levels drop, allowing them to reach out to teams needing support.

AI solutions and machine learning technologies built into analytics tools can help businesses make intelligent decisions about staffing or training teams. There are even workforce analytics tools that leverage automation to help minimize repetitive data-driven processes.

Choosing the Right Hybrid Workforce Analytics Software

As hybrid work transforms the modern business landscape, hybrid workforce analytics software becomes increasingly valuable. These tools don’t just allow businesses to track their workforce’s performance and ensure ongoing productivity.

The right solutions can also offer business leaders the insights they need to improve efficiency, employee performance, scheduling strategies, and team engagement. An innovative analytics solution will ensure your company can effectively empower, augment, and leverage its human resources.

from UC Today

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