The AI Knowledge Gap: Why Some Workers are More Excited Than Others

The way we work has perhaps never changed as rapidly as over the past three years. And now, with the AI hype train gathering pace, it appears we’re set for another period of technology-driven evolution.

However, while many people are excited about what tools like generative AI can do to improve productivity, many are apprehensive – as highlighted in a recent research report co-authored by RingCentral Ipsos.

The report finds a disconnect in the workforce based on various factors – ranging from age to level of seniority.

For example, more than a third of younger workers in the UK think AI will positively affect the workforce, compared to less than 10% of workers between the ages of 55 and 65. At the same time, 41 percent of non-decision makers are unsure about using AI at work, compared to just 21 percent of leaders.

In most cases, the uncertainty comes from a fear that AI will ultimately destroy jobs. In some cases, this is fuelled by sensationalist headlines rather than a rational look at the AI-powered technology that’s currently available.

“It feels like AI has had a lot of airtime in the past 12 months, but perhaps employees are underestimating the immediate changes that AI could present,” Severine Hierso, Director of Product Marketing for RingCentral, told UC Today while commenting on the report’s findings.

“While there’s a real ‘buzz’ around the topic of AI right now, it seems many workers are still overlooking the power and productivity potential it could unlock for everyone in the workforce.

“I think there are concerns that AI will take over and begin to replace people.

But as we can see, The World Economic Forum predicts almost 100 million new jobs will be created by 2025 in response to higher demand for ‘human-machine’ collaboration.

“That means business leaders need to communicate with their workforce right now, outline the vision for AI, and how staff fit into that bigger picture.”

Leaders Need to Lead

The role of business leaders will be crucial in the effective rollout of artificial intelligence in any organisation.

However, various findings throughout the report highlight a far more optimistic look among leaders than workers further down the chain. These include:

Unsure about the use of AI at work:

  • 21 percent of decision-makers
  • 41 percent of non-decision makers

AI will be important this year:

  • 44 percent of decision-makers
  • 26 percent of non-decision makers

I think AI will make my job easier/better

  • 37 percent of decision-makers
  • 23 percent of non-decision makers

The consistency of the data suggests that business leaders need to do more to raise awareness of the positives of AI, and it’s a similar story when comparing the answers of younger workers to older workers

“I think there is possibly a knowledge gap that needs to be addressed here,” Hierso said.

“Decision makers are aware of how AI might be used in their organisation; they’ve probably seen how the technology works and the results it could yield in terms of productivity gains. On the other hand, non-decision-makers are somewhat out of the loop.

“In terms of age, while it’s usually the case that younger generations are more inclined to embrace technology, it’s going to be challenging for businesses if the more experienced, more senior staff are reticent about these emerging technologies.

“To get the team on board, leaders should be communicating with staff regularly both on an organisational level and in one-to-one meetings. We need to start talking about the goal and the anticipated outcomes of AI in the workplace and address any concerns or misconceptions so that employees feel they’re being heard and that they’re part of those wider plans.”

This is why RingCentral’s steps into the world of artificial intelligence have had productivity at their core.

RingCentral’s AI-powered conversation intelligence means anyone attending video meetings can access detailed, high-quality transcriptions, customised topics, and condensed recordings that highlight the critical points in the meeting.

Read the full report from RingCentral here.

from UC Today

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