If you don’t already have room management software to help you organize and distribute resources in your business, you’re probably facing a lot of challenges. Today’s office spaces are a world apart from the ones we once knew.
Hybrid and remote work are still extremely common, even as companies strive to push employees back into the office. That means companies are dealing with an ever-changing roster of different staff members, all with their own unique needs for different focus spaces, conference rooms, and more.
Investing in the right tech is the only way to ensure you’re getting the most out of your office real estate. Room management software allows you to organize and align your employees, improve resource allocation, and cut costs.
Today, we’re looking at the benefits of room management tech and why the market for this software is growing at an incredible rate (a CAGR of 12.81 percent) in 2024.
The 8 Biggest Benefits of Room Management Software
Room management software empowers companies and their employees to maximize their crucial spaces. It can include everything from desk and room booking tools to analytical and reporting features and even critical integrations with existing software.
While the biggest benefits you discover can vary, these are the advantages that we think are making room management software crucial in today’s world.
1. Room Management Software Reduces Costs and Improves ROI
As of 2024, countless companies are struggling with dwindling budgets caused by a challenging economic environment. Everyone needs to make the most out of their spaces, and inefficient room management leads to serious financial repercussions.
First, without room management software, employees can waste significant time looking for available spaces and arranging meetings with colleagues. Up to 40% of in-office employees waste 30 minutes daily looking for a suitable space. Room management software makes it quicker and easier for employees to access necessary resources.
More importantly, these tools give you valuable insights into how your spaces are used, the devices being utilized, and more. They can help you keep track of meetings that run over schedule so you can take measures to make conferences more efficient. They can show you when certain rooms are used more than others so you can make intelligent decisions about designing your office space.
Plus, many tools can help you track the health of your devices and systems so you can repair, patch, and even replace resources before they lead to unexpected downtime.
2. It Strengthens Productivity and Collaboration
The world of work today is fast-moving. Employees need to rapidly shift between focus spaces, desks, and meeting rooms, instantly gaining access to the tools they need for different types of work. Room management software helps to reduce the risk of productivity losses as employees move around your workspace.
With the right tech, even mobile employees can review their schedules in advance and plan their entire week in a few minutes. They can choose which rooms and desks they need to access based on upcoming tasks and align their schedule with their calendar. Some AI-powered tools can even offer suggestions on which rooms to book based on an employee’s needs.
Perhaps most importantly, the most innovative tools also improve cohesion between distributed workers. Aligning with your collaboration tools and workforce management software, they can offer employees insights into who will be in an office anytime.
This makes it easier for staff members to arrange meetings and book spaces based on their knowledge of who they need to interact with. They can even allow staff to share agendas and resources with colleagues in advance through integration with file-sharing tools to streamline meetings.
3. The Right Software Reduces Under-Booking and Over-Booking
One of the most obvious benefits of room management software is that it can ensure you’re getting the most value out of your office space. The real estate you pay for is likely to be one of the biggest expenses you have as an organization, even if you’re embracing the age of hybrid work.
With intuitive software, you can see which rooms are being under-utilized and talk to your employees about how you can make those spaces more valuable and inviting. You could even consider re-designing some of your rooms based on what you learn about employee meeting habits.
You’ll also be able to reduce the risk of employees fighting over the same room. The right technology will eliminate the confusion around which employees have booked which space and when. This makes the issue of “double-booking” a thing of the past.
Intelligent systems can even use automated notifications to let employees know when a room suddenly becomes available or the components of a booking change. This higher level of transparency ensures everyone can use your spaces more effectively.
4. Room Management Software Improves Experiences
At UC Today, we’re big believers in the idea that employee experience is crucial to driving business success. The more engaged and satisfied your employees are, the more productive they’ll be. Room management software can improve the experience of your teams in various ways.
First, it can help employees coordinate more effectively with their colleagues and improve workplace efficiency. With clear rules and policies in place for how staff should use meeting rooms, there’s less likely to be workplace conflicts around resources.
Secondly, with the insights you gain from your software, you’ll be able to ensure you’re building an office environment employees actually want to attend. You can determine whether you need to create more focus spaces or silent spaces for intricate work. You’ll see which tools and devices employees use most frequently so you can adapt your meeting rooms to their needs.
Some solutions can even integrate with sensors and IoT-enabled devices that help boost the well-being of your employees. For instance, they can allow you to track environmental conditions (like heat and humidity) that might harm your well-being-. You could even set up alerts for when meeting rooms exceed their occupancy thresholds.
5. It Improves Security and Control
Room management software can also give business leaders more control over their workplaces and how spaces are used. As mentioned above, you can implement specific policies into your meeting room software that guide employees on how long a meeting should take, how many occupants a space can hold, and even which software and tools they can use.
You’ll be able to set up secure access controls that ensure only authorized personnel can book certain rooms and access specific resources. You can also control which software and solutions employees can use in each room by configuring devices to work with certain apps, reducing the risk of shadow IT.
Some room management software even comes with guest and visitor management features. These allow you to set up access profiles for specific guests, such as people using your environment as an “office neighbourhood.” You can then implement new security measures for these guests that prevent them from gaining access to certain data.
Plus, with integrations to intelligent hardware, you could even look into setting up biometric access controls that prevent people who aren’t recognized by your system from accessing rooms.
6. The Right Software Can Make Your Office Sustainable
Sustainability is becoming a crucial concern for business leaders, employees, and consumers. Running a more sustainable office environment helps you save money on energy costs and improve your reputation with key stakeholders.
Unfortunately, countless companies waste energy every year simply because they don’t have the right visibility in their office spaces. Room management technology, combined with AI and automation tools, can address this issue. You can configure rooms to automatically shut down unused technology after a certain period, so meeting devices aren’t left running all day.
Some intelligent solutions can integrate with various meeting room assets, such as lighting and computer systems. Plus, the insights you get from your meeting room management technology will help you decide how to manage staff schedules and structure workflows to reduce your company’s impact on the planet.
You could decide to enable more remote work if employees don’t regularly use meeting spaces, or you could switch out complex hardware configurations for simpler meeting room bars if ad-hoc meetings are more common.
7. Room Management Technology Makes You More Adaptable
One of the major benefits of room management technology is that it can help your company adapt quickly to new working styles. The workplace is constantly changing, with more hybrid and mobile work options emerging. Your room management tools will give you an insight into the trends in your office so you can adapt accordingly.
When you know what your space is used for and when and where employees are most productive, you can adapt more rapidly to changing dynamics.
Your technology will help you to forward-plan for company growth and transformation, ensuring you’re always investing in the right technology, spaces, and resources for your evolving team.
You could even combine your room management software with voice-of-employee feedback tools, which allow you to gather insights from your staff. You can ask them to share their thoughts on the technology they need, the spaces they use most, and what harms or improves their productivity.
8. It Forms a Critical Part of Total Facilities Management
Finally, investing in room management software is an excellent way to upgrade your overall approach to facilities management. A strong understanding of how spaces are used in your building can lay the groundwork for streamlining various other tasks, such as:
- Employee scheduling and management: If you know how your teams meet, collaborate, and use focus spaces, you can more effectively schedule your teams. You can intelligently decide which employees should be in the office and when they can work from home.
- Maintenance management: Visualizing all of the space within your facilities can help you guide your engineers, cleaners, and technicians to perform their work more efficiently during common “downtimes,” reducing disruption.
- Workflow management: Knowing how spaces are used throughout your organization makes it easier to ensure you have the right spaces available for collaborative sessions, events, customer demos, and other tasks.
Discover the Benefits of Room Management Software
Room management software is an extremely valuable resource for today’s businesses. It helps to streamline the management of all of your office spaces, pave the way for more effective hybrid work, and strengthen collaboration and productivity.
Used correctly, it can also help you to reduce operational costs, access valuable insights for growth and transformation, and improve the experiences of your employees. If you’re not investing in room management software already, now could be the perfect time to explore your options.
from UC Today https://ift.tt/zOF9CdN