VoIP Backend as a Managed Service: The Integral Functions inside Service Providers’ Technology

The rise of remote working, the boom in digitisation, the need for easy scalability: it’s easy to see why voice communication over the internet (VoIP) is the new default for smart organisations.

The benefits versus traditional phone systems are multiple; from the ability to integrate capabilities such as clever AI-powered data capture, call data analytics, automation tools and video conferencing to lower cost and increased flexibility.

For providers of modern VoIP solutions seeking to capitalise on these opportunities, disrupting their traditional way of developing solutions becomes essential. Here, partnering with a technology vendor that has the critical functions and the deep expertise needed is the way to fully embrace the new possibilities, and to bring its new innovative offerings fast to the market (TTM).

Backend technology delivered as a service – an integral component in providers’ technology

“Historically, organisations implemented their own SIP server and developed, or bought, their own equipment,” says Gunnar Reinholdsen, Founder at leading real-time communications platform provider iotcomms.io, which combines its cutting-edge cloud functions with deep expertise in VoIP and SIP technology.

“However, with the rise in AI-powered integrations and the use cases becoming ever-more complex, the need for specialist competence in areas such as telecom protocols, codecs and building mission-critical applications is emerging. The ability to buy the technology functionalities needed on a monthly OpEx basis is becoming increasingly attractive, and we’ve only seen the start of this evolution.”

Merging traditional telephony with IT

The ever-increasing merging of the traditional telecom world with the IT world results in more complex systems and technology integrations. For example, AI and machine learning will become more integrated into VoIP systems; helping businesses automate tasks such as audio transcription, caller authentication and automatic speech recognition, the deployment of AI-based understanding of conversational data, and capturing voice sentiment just to mention a few.

“You could view it as a kind of rebirth for voice communication,” says Reinholdsen. “It is easy for businesses to derive so much more new value from voice calling by capturing, analysing, and acting upon the data.

“Also, emerging VoIP-enabled Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) technology is appealing for businesses because it enables high-quality conversation with customers over the internet without installing any extra software.”

The Internet of Things (IoT) is another area in which VoIP technology is playing an increasingly significant role in the way connected devices communicate with each other.

A need seen in multiple sectors and use cases

“Elevators are a good example,” says Reinholdsen. “VoIP technology enables them to become much smarter in the way they communicate, such as being summoned via voice as opposed to the pushing of a button, or a remote operator being able to talk to or see people inside if there is a problem.

“The same applies in the area of telecare. Someone falls in an apartment and a sensor triggers an alarm using VoIP technology to stream audio and video to a healthcare worker. The use cases are many and significant in size.”

In the case of iotcomms.io, it is able to respond to this increasing complexity and, from its flexible platform, provide the technological building blocks – delivered as APIs – to be integrated into customers’ technology. The innovative cloud-based backend functionalities are ideal for modern providers of any VoIP-related solution in any sector.

“Our potential customers know what their problems are, but they might not know how to solve them in the best and most modern way,” says Reinholdsen. “Our flexible platform consists of a wide range of functionalities built as microservices – think of them as Lego bricks – that our customers can use.

“We always engage with our customers early in their process of moving to cloud functionalities, and we work tightly with them as their technology provider throughout the phase of designing and developing a solution to address their needs. Ultimately, by using our well-proven platform and its numerous functionalities, we enable our customers to significantly reduce their time to market, and to avoid the problem of not having the right competence or the building blocks themselves.”

It’s clear that the opportunities are huge. So, perhaps it’s time for a conversation…

To learn more about how iotcomms.io can enable providers integrate VoIP backend functionalities into their technology, visit the website.

from UC Today https://ift.tt/YSfwKl2

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